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General meeting 1/10/22

Roadrunner General Meeting


The January 10th General Meeting scheduled for the Fairway A/B room will be held as a Zoom meeting due to an abundance of Omicron caution.

The meeting time is still 7PM.

The live link is:    just click on this live link in this email.

( It may also be copied and pasted to the URL in your browser.)


The meeting will be recorded for the secretary. 


Note: the meeting is scheduled for about 40 minutes, then it will go blank. To rejoin simply click on the link in the email again and you will be on for another 40 minutes.


The minutes of the November 1st General meeting are attached; 

They will NOT be read on the 10th. 

However, questions or corrections will be accepted prior to approval.


There was no formal December meeting. With the focus on a great holiday party,

the out going officers were informally recognized as were the incoming officers.

Due to the inability of the incoming vice president and secretary to serve, Mike Casey agreed to serve as Vice President and Steff will continue on as solo President. Steff has called for a volunteer for secretary; until that person steps up Carol Scott will continue on. The elections have been a little Raggedy Andy, but so has everything else since Covid reared its ugly head. Jim and Joni Bombardier and Carol and Stan Scott will be Trustees. 


ROADRUNNERS RV CLUB WEBSITE:   remember the new password is 2022member  .



General Meeting of November 1, 2021


Steff Veltema called the meeting to order at 7:05PM; 22 members were in attendance. Steff asked for the reading of the minutes from the last general meeting on September 13, 2021. The minutes were approved as read.

Stan Scott gave a brief update on the Holiday party in Nancy Ferrara’s absence; she was not feeling well. Stan clarified a revised menu from the caterer: two main dishes will be available, Salmon and Tritip. The caterer assured Nancy there would be enough of the main dish for all and will include side dishes, salad, and coffee. The club will provide a wine bar, including sodas. Coffee will be available with dessert.

Please make reservations for the party, and send it along with check to Nancy.

Next years’ membership (2022) of $15.00 per person is also due now and should be sent to Frank Colligan.

Under New Business, the first item of the evening was the election of new officers for the coming year. Since no new nominations were put forth, the slate of officers for next year was passed by a voice vote.

The co-presidents are to be SteffVeltema and Mike Casey;

the vice president is Ellen Landsbaum;

the secretary is Chuck Landsbaum;

the treasurer is Frank Colligan:

first year trustees are Carol & Stan Scott:

and second year trustees are Joni & Jim Bombardier.

Frank read the treasurer’s report, showing our total assets to be $4750.34.

Earl Ansley passed around a list of favorable campgrounds that the club has used for rallies in years past. Earl also reminded

people of the Zoom (GRF) planning meeting taking place on Nov. 9th. The Zoom link will be mailed to all when available. Since a dump Station is on the agenda for that meeting, this is our chance to advocate for it.

Since Ellen Landsbaum is new to this area, Mike Casey has offered to help her make reservations for upcoming rallies at some of our more enjoyable parks. He has called around to see just what was available in this next year, and has made tentative reservations in Angels’ Camp in April and Fort Bragg in June.

Steff asked that everyone please check the their club roster listing to make sure their e-mail and phone number are accurate and up to date. At 8:45 PM, a motion was purposed and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Scott, Secretary

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