Petaluma Elks RV park
Short Notice midweek Rally: at the Petaluma Elks RV park. (2105 South McDowell Boulevard; Petaluma, CA 94954). Park contact information: (707) 763-0901—Website: elks901.org Arrival date is August 31 with departure on Septembe 3.
RoadRunners who are Elks members can go to the website: Choose the RV drop down menu;
select RV Park Reservations; Scroll to the bottom to make you reservation; Put in your arrival date (March 24) and the number of nights (4), click on the Check availability window; select an appropriate site; click continue; Fill out the reservation form; CLICK THE RESERVATION BUTTON; Print a receipt…
Call, Text or email your site number to Roseanne. bobrosewright@gmail.com —925 286-1166.
If you want to stay longer or can’t stay all 3 nights, just reserve what you need.
As of 8/11 there were 3 sites available for these three nights. juggling you arrival or departure opens up more sites.
RoadRunners who are NOT Elks members will need to contact Stan Scott so he can arrange for one of our Elks members to sign you up as their guests.
This is a very popular RV Park with 18 spaces.
Call Roseanne or Stan if you have questions.
Here is a photo of our Lazy Daze at the Petaluma Elks on October 18, 2018.
posted by Judy Russell

Here are a couple of photos from the big Shollenberger Wildlife Refuge across the street from the Elks Lodge. The Refuge is on the Petaluma River, a good place to walk the dog and to see lots of birds.