Vol.11, NO. 1 January 2019
Editor: Carl Pische
President Message: Linda Towson.
Happy and Healthy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Our annual Holiday Dinner was lovely. Thanks to all who helped especially Joni B. It was terrific to see Dave Cutter, former treasurer, and Judy Nixon, former membership and sunshine chair. They looked great after their challenges last year. My apologies to our new membership person, Carol Colligan. I overlooked her introduction at the dinner. So sorry Carol and so grateful for your help while Judy N. was away. Joni Bombardier, Jack Melvin, Mike Casey, and I have made an executive decision to forgo the January pot luck. I hope you will agree that January 10 is too close to the New Year festivities. Folks seem to be ill or out of steam for another dinner so soon. If you would like to have it, let me know and the Board will reconsider for the following year. Coming February 17-24 is the rally to Castaic. Please check the information in the newsletter. Sign up before spaces are gone for the weekender to Jackson Rancheria, May 6-8. Who is going to volunteer to set up another weekender? Remember it is up to our members to arrange. Jack Melvin has the information on how to do that. Looking for a 2019 co-newsletter editor to help Carl, who graciously agreed to do this job for this year. Carl needs someone to take over the job in the 2020. Now you know we have limited “human resources”, Roadrunner jobs are easier than you think. We will help you. From now on, newsletters will be bi-monthly with news blasts as needed.
On January 15, Wayne and I leave for our annual two-month Towson Trek to warm LA and Palm Desert, and to Arizona. Always on Wi-Fi and cell.
Security: We have increasingly serious RV break-ins. I had hoped at the cancelled December meeting there would be better answers. I don’t know why the meeting was again cancelled. I know Ralph Dennis, RV parking, and Dennis Bell, GRF Security, are working on problem. Initial, official observations are that the culprit is some person living in Rossmoor. This week I will contact both gentlemen and CEO Tim O’Keefe about our troubling security problem. Please report all incidents to the WC police as well as to Securitas. Please take the time each week to check on the condition of your rig.
My Best to you in 2019, Linda T.
Sunshine News: Nancy Ferrara.
No Sunshine News.
New Members: Carol Colligan.
No new members.
Camper for sale.
Christa and John Kell are selling their camper. It is a 24-foot Itaska, a 1997 with 93,000 miles on it. It kas a V 10 engine. Asking price $8,800. OBO. Call the Kell’s at 925-408-4253.
Treasurer Request: Frank Colligan.
If you missed the deadline for paying your 2019 dues? No problem. The Roadrunners are very forgiving and will continue to gratefully accept 2019 dues payments. Please complete the attached Dues Payment form and mail it to our treasurer, Frank, or put it in the Roadrunner mailbox at Gateway, along with your check for $20. If you can't print out the form, no problem. Just put a note in with your check with any corrections to your 2018 roster listing. This will help us get the 2019 roster as accurate as possible.
The Dues Form is attached to this News Letter email.
Listing of Club Leaders for 2019 with contact information.
President: Linda Towson, ltowson@aol.com, 925-222-1129
Vice-President: Jack Melvin. 925-954-1123, jacvig@aol.com
Co Vice President: Stefford Veltema, stefford42@gmail.com, 925-457-0692
Secretary: Jean Veltema, luyktoread2@gmail.com, 925-352-4321
Back up Secretary: Carol Scott. carollscott@comcast.net, 925-934-9998
Ladies Lunch: Joan Frasco, frascojoan@yahoo.com, 378-7011
Event Coordinator: Joni Bombardier, jonijrb@gmail.com, 325-1118
Newsletter editor: Carl Pischke. c4Ldanced@Comcast.net, 925-286-9211
Publicity: Mike Casey, michaelcasey552@gmail.com, 210-1273
Treasurer: Frank A. Colligan.
airstreamfrank@gmail.com, 530-491-1782
Membership: Carol Colligan, carolcolligan@yahoo.com, 530-370-0082
Sunshine: Nancy Ferrara, nancycferrara@gmail.com, 925-944-9566
1 Year trustees: Dmitri and Marilyn DeDenko.
2 Year Trustees: Joni and Jim Bombardier.
Calendar of Events for 2019
January 10 - Potluck. Canceled.
February 4 – Regular Club Meeting. at Creekside in the Fairway Rm., A/B
February 17-24 – Rally at Valencia Travel Village in Castaic. See information below.
March 4 - Regular Club Meeting. at Creekside in the Fairway Rm. A/B
April 1 – Regular Club Meeting. at Creekside in the Fairway Rm. A/B
May 6-8, home on the 9th. Weekender at Jackson Rancheria. See attached information.
June 6 - Patio Party at the Stanley Dollar Club House, 5 to 10 PM.
June 21 – 28. Rally at Riverwalk RV Park in Fortuna. See information below.
July - No events
August 19 - Bocce & Picnic. Sportsman’s Park at Hillside.
September 9 – Regular Club Meeting at Creekside Fairway Rm. A/B
October 10. Potluck at Hillside Club House.
October 16 -23. Rally at Pismo Sands RV Resort in Oceano. See information below.
November 11. Regular Club Meeting at Creekside, Fairway Rm. A/B
December 10. Holiday Party in the Redwood Room at Gateway.
Coordinators / Wagon-masters are listed where someone has volunteered. If there is no name listed for an event call Joni Bombardier or Linda Towson and volunteer. Where there is a name, call that person and ask what you can do to help.
Ladies Lunch: Joan Frasco:
The ladies lunch bunch will welcome the new year with lunch at Creekside Grill, Thursday, January 10th. We will meet there at 11:45 a.m. Remember, all members of Roadrunners are welcome, especially newcomers.
VP and Weekender News: Jack Melvin.
Weekender May 6. Jim and Joni Bombardier have arranged for a weekender in May at the Jackson Rancheria RV Park in Jackson. Arrival date is Monday May 6 with departure on May 9, three nights of camping. Sites go very quickly at this popular campground, so make your reservations soon. Tell the reservation person that you would like to be placed as close to Jack, Dolores, or Tony as possible. Reservation information has already been sent out to all members, along with a recent follow up. For more information call Jim at 925-325-1188. See attached information.
2019 Rally Information:
First Rally: The Winter week long rally will be held at Valencia Travel Village in Castaic, Ca. Arriving Sunday February 17 and leaving Sunday February 24. Twelve sites have been reserved with full use of the adult lounge. The park is very nice and the rate is $340.00 for the week. We will have access to various lounges (they are assigning the Village Hall the first three nights. It has a kitchen). The last 4 nights we have the Adult and/or Small lounge.
"When you sign up, please be prepared to volunteer for at least one of the events mentioned on the sign-up sheet. The more people helping, the more we can do. Deloris C will be doing the brunch, Carol Colligan will be doing a Pizza night, Mike Casey will be doing the barbeque dinner.
We have a tentative schedule for our week at Valencia Travel Village.
Sunday Feb 17 - Arrive at Castaic. Pizza dinner in clubhouse.
Monday Feb 18 - Free day, Happy Hour and games
Tuesday Feb 19 - Bring Your Own meat for BBQ and a side dish to share.
Sign-up deadline is January 5th. Frank Colligan is the Wagon Master. Frank is checking to see if we can ride the Filmore Western Railway (the movie train). The train only runs on weekends so our final dinner banquet will be in Filmore. Call Frank if you have questions or if you would like to help Frank with the rally: 505-491-1782
Second Rally: The Spring week-long rally will be held at Riverwalk RV Park in Fortuna, arriving on June 21 and leaving on June 28. Twelve sites have been reserved at a rate of $346.50 for the week, with full use of the club house. Bob and Terry Hayes have graciously offered to be Wagon Masters for this rally. Dolores Cleary has volunteered to be Co-Wagon Master. Roadrunners were here three years ago with Bob and Terry as wagon masters and they did a wonderful job.
So, mark your 2019 calendars with these dates so we can have a nice turn out. Much more information will follow as we get closer to the rally dates. In the meantime, you can check the parks’ web sites for more details on the parks’ amenities.
Third Rally: The rally will be held at Pismo Sands RV Resort in Oceano, arriving Wednesday October 16 and leaving Wednesday October 23. The current group rate per day is $54.00 (although that may change) and we have asked for the use of the clubhouse. Wagon Master for the rally will be Dolores Cleary, with assistance from Jack Melvin and Tony Rorie. More about this later in the year.
RV Club Member’s Travel.
If you travel with your rig and would like to tell the members about the parks you stayed at, Send Carl an email. Pictures are welcome.
Club members birthday’s and Anniversary’s
for January:
Happy Birthday: Dave Cutter, Janet Maleski.
Happy Anniversary: Walter and Rosemarie Krovoza.
For February:
Happy Birthday: Pat Taylor, Bob Cluff, Jack Marvin, Nancy Ferrara, Robert Babb.
RV Cleaners
Coach Cleaning: Works out of Vacaville. Don Stewart. (707) 330-6831
Baker’s Detailing: (cleaning and tops): Corry Baker, (925) 435-4255
Mobile Detailing. 500-376-9699
Camper repairs
Concord Coach, RV repair shop. Concord Coach is now owned by Cuzins and is open for business. The new contact telephone number is the same as for Cuzins. (925) 687-8054
Randy’s Mobile Mechanical Services: (Reviews on Randy’s are great but Randy’s is expensive $$). Complete shop for auto, RV, and fleet services. It is located at 2750 Cloverdale Ave, Concord, CA. (925) 288-0766.
Timmons Auto & Truck Repair: It is located at 2855 Contra Costa Blvd., Suite D, Pleasant Hill, (925) 938-9665.
Road Runner RV Repair: 415 Beatrice Ct. Brentwood, CA. 94513. (925) 240-6773. Plus, the East county’s most complete parts store.
Just Joe’s Automotive: 1130 Detroit Ave. Concord. 94520. 925-676-6700. Joe’s performs all types of Mechanic work on RVs and other vehicles. Bob Wright and Mike Casey have both had good experiences under the new ownership. Joe’s also does alignments on RVs.
Propane Gas Tank Fill-up.
Propane supplier: 76 station/convenience store/car wash located at the corner of Monument Blvd and Marcia Dr. very close to Hwy 680.
When driving from Walnut Creek on Hwy 680, take the Monument Blvd exit and turn right onto Monument Blvd, and the 76 station is located on the right-hand side, in 100 yards or less.
Suburban Propane. 1765 Arnold Industrial Way, Concord. 686-58-11. Open M – F, 7am to 4 pm. Closed from 12 to 1 PM for lunch.
Towson Trekking Painting.