Wednesday evening, December 6, 2023 at 5:00 in Fireside Room, Rossmoor.
Starting with appetizers and drinks, we will have a SIT DOWN dinner of Wild Grilled Salmon Filet or Braised Beef Short Ribs. This will be served with Pepper, Onion, Arugula Risotto, Broccoli and Carrots Medley, Rolls, dessert and wine. During dessert, the Northgate High School Madrigals will entertain. The good news is the caterer, the Rossmoor Grill, with our club’s help will keep the meal the same price as last year at $55.00 per person. This is actually a big deal.
SO COME and SUPPORT OUR CLUB. Dress up. Come early. Have a drink. Get reacquainted. Bring your friends & potential members. Are we not fortunate to be able to do this? I think so!!
Please RSPV by December 1 to Linda Towson, Lftowson@gmail.com.