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Vol.12, NO. 2   April 2020

Editor: Carl Pischke

Co-President Message:  By Stan Scott.

Hoping this newsletter finds everyone and their families free of the Corona virus. The April 6 Club Membership meeting is canceled. All other events are on hold currently. 

We certainly have had plenty of time since the crab feed rally at Flag City to recuperate from all the food, before we go out again. It was interesting to be with other RV clubs on a joint rally.

Many of us were disappointed in the cancelation of the Red Bluff, Durango Rally and the Calistoga Rally.  Durango is holding our deposit for a future 

date, and Tony is hopefully getting a date in June for Calistoga.  It seems a shame for our rigs to be setting idle in the spring.  FMCA is petitioning the 

government to consider RV Parks as essential businesses;  It makes sense, especially, for full timers.  However, I am a little reticent of becoming infected very far from home. Maybe, we need a list of parks near where they have an 

abundance of ventilators.  In any case, please be careful and safe.

There are no changes in the RV parking to my knowledge (ie: water or electricity), but it’s sure nice to be able to go up to the rig and have a clean 

orderly area: no more tracking mud and leaves into the rig; at least for the lower lot, and I was surprised to find our solar has been keeping our batteries up, even under the covered solar area. 

If anyone is getting bored, consider working on a website section; give me a call.

Again, be smart, be safe and be well. Stan.



Co-president Message. By Steff Veltema.


Well....We've all had lots of

opportunity to get "re-acquainted 

with our homes after RV-ing

earlier this year!

Jean and I enjoyed a couple of

months in our RV near

Palm Springs, earlier this year.

While we were there,

we met the Colligans

and the Korsans on

separate occasions.

We enjoyed a tour of the

very new and impressive

Rancho Mirage Observatory,

with Bob Korsan as our guide.



                                Bob Korsan giving tour.



There is nothing to report on the previously planned Casa de Fruta rally, since it is on hold due to the coronavirus situation.

We will keep you informed and will resume our meetings and rallies when we can do so safely.

In the meantime, please do all you can to stay well and happy!



Sunshine News: By Nancy Ferrara. 


No Sunshine New for April.


New Members: By Carol Colligan.


No new members. 


Potential New Members:


Diane Wight is interested in purchasing an RV and then joining the Club. If you know of an RV for sale, email Diane at


Adele Abarintos and her husband are looking for a 25 to 30-foot Forester / Winnebago to buy. They visited us at the Gateway RV show. The Abarintos cell number is 925-759-6058


RV For Sale:


Jack Marvin has decided to put his RV up for sale. 


2005 National RV 34' Dolphin. Self-Contained

Two Large Slides. 4 door 12 cu ft Refrigerator.

Generator - Basement Heater/Air. Queen Bed plus Sofa Bed. GE Convection/Microwave Oven.

GMC Vortec Gas Engine. Built for Full Time Living.

 Asking price $29,950. Interested parties call:

 Jack Melvin (925-954-1123)  Home or

(843-997-0705)  Cell.


Jim & Joni Bombardier saw a motor home near John Muir Hospital with a "for sale" sign.  It's an older one, but not sure how old.  It's a "Bounder."  The phone # is 925-872-3287.


Ladies Lunch: By Joan Frasco:


Unfortunately, the ladies who go out to lunch once a month will not be meeting in person in April.  I encourage everyone to reach out by phone not only to your close friends but to someone that might need a cheery visit with a caring person to ease the loneliness and fear.  We need each other now more than ever.  I am pretty sick with the flu, but testing showed it is not “the” flu.  Everybody do what you are told over and over: Isolate physically but not emotionally, drink fluids, rest and take care of yourself.  The whole world is in a very weird situation, but we are a generation who have proved we can take it and come out USA strong.  Love and prayers for a speedy and complete resolution to all my friends in the Rossmoor Roadrunner’s R.V. Club.


Looking to Rent:


From Linda Towson. A friend of our neighbor is looking for a rental this summer. For several years, we have rented our co-op, while we traveled, for three months, with excellent results. I think our members might like to consider this offer.


Hello Linda!

We are hoping to find a summer rental in Rossmoor.  We ran an ad in the Rossmoor News during January/February but got no good responses. 

Will you keep your eyes and ears open on the chance that you might hear of someone planning some summertime away? We'd prefer the whole summer but would also be happy with renting for just a month.  

I'll attach here a little introductory "bio" of us that you might be able to pass along to Rossmoor friends and acquaintances who might be planning summer travel. 

We are two sisters who would love to rent at Rossmoor for 1-3 months in Summer 2020. We fell in love with Rossmoor on our first recent visit and would like to experience living there for even a short time before committing permanently to a permanent purchase.  

We Are:

Judy, originally an English professor, lived in New York City and worked as an art book editor and later as a writer and content developer on the Internet.

Janet, a California historian, lived in Los Angeles and worked as a museum curator and as editor of 

California History, an academic quarterly.

We lived in Marin for several years before moving to Tucson 4 years ago to be near family. Happily, we have many friends and relations in the Bay Area and would like to resettle there permanently.

We are flexible about timing but prefer at least a month in order to get a taste of life at Rossmoor. We are happy to provide more information about ourselves, as well as contact information for lifetime friends who are current Rossmoor residents. Our Contact Info:

Judy:  (510) 520-1415.

Janet : (310) 266-5484.


Calendar of Club Events for 2020


Jim and I are holding our own. Eventually, this will end.  In the meantime, all scheduled events for our RV club are on hold.  Stay home, laugh, cuddle & love your family! Joni, Event coordinator    


April 6. Monday.  CANCELED. Roadrunner Membership meeting, Club Room, Creekside Club House. 6:30 to 9:30 PM.


May 4. Monday.  ONE HOLD. Roadrunner Membership meeting, Club Room, Creekside Club House. 6:30 to 9:30 PM.


June 5: Friday. ONE HOLD. Roadrunner Membership Patio Party, Dollar Club House, 5 to 10 PM. Coordinators:


September 7. Monday.  Roadrunner Membership meeting, Club Room, Creekside Club House. 6:30 to 9:30 PM.


September 14. Monday.  Roadrunner RV Club Bocce and Picnic at Hillside Sportsman Park 2 PM.


October 8: Thursday. Roadrunner Membership Potluck dinner, Diablo Room, Hillside Club House, 5 to 10 PM. Coordinators: 


November 2. Monday.  Roadrunner Membership meeting, Club Room, Creekside Club House. 6:30 to 9:30 PM.


December 8: Tuesday. Roadrunner Membership Holiday Party in the Fireside Room at Gateway, 5:00 – 10:00 P.M. Coordinators: Joni B.

You can help:

Joni Bombardier, the clubs Event Coordinator, is working on entertainment for the Clubs 2020 Christmas party. If any Club Member has a suggestion, please call Joni. 925-325-1118 The cost cannot exceed $250.00

Coordinators / Wagon-masters are listed where someone has volunteered. If there is no name listed for an event call Joni Bombardier and volunteer.  Where there is a name, call that person and ask how you can help.

Rallies for 2020


First Rally: Sunday, Mar 22 to 29.   Canceled.


Second Rally: Sunday, May 17 to 24.  ONE HOLD. Casa De Fruta Orchard Resort, Hollister, CA. This is a large, historic RV park that our club has not visited in at last 10 years.   On-site attractions include a fruit stand, restaurant, inn, and displays of old agricultural equipment.  This complex originally began as a cherry orchard approximately 80 years ago.

Local attractions include wineries, garlic-related stores in nearby Gilroy, and Pinnacles Nat'l Park.

This RV park is located approximately 90 miles from Walnut Creek.


Third Rally. September or early October time frame. The exact date and location are still being finalized, but the plan is to be in the Sparks - Reno - Virginia City, Nevada area.

Local attractions for this area include historical exhibits, museums, narrow-gauge railroad, casinos, and lovely scenery. This area is approximately 200 miles from Walnut Creek. 

 More information will follow shortly, in the "members" section of the new club website,


Treasurer’s Report, Per Frank Colligan: 


No money to report on this month. 



RV Club Member’s Travel.


If you travel with your rig and would like to tell the members about the parks you stayed at, Send Carl an email. Pictures are welcome. 


Listing of Club Leaders for 2020 with contact information.


Co-Presidents: Stefford Veltema 937-3375 and Stan Scott 916-716-6140.


Co Vice-President: Earl Ansley 324-3850 and Lynda Phelps 979-1551.


Secretary: Carol Scott 716-6240.


Treasurer: Frank A. Colligan 530-491-1782.


Sunshine: Nancy Ferrara 890-7728.


Membership: Carol Colligan 530-370-0082.


Ladies Lunch: Joan Frasco 378-7011.


Event Coordinator: Joni Bombardier 325-1118


Newsletter editor: Carl Pischke 286-9211.


Publicity: Mike Casey 210-1273. 


1 Year trustees: Joni and Jim Bombardier. 


2 Year Trustees: Linda Wayne Towson.


Club members birthday’s and Anniversary’s. 


For April: 


  Happy Birthday:  1 Joni Bombardier

                                19 Lloyd Nordberg,

                                30 Cynthia Parnell.


  Happy Anniversary:  None. 


For May:


Happy Birthday:  5 Stan Scott, 

                               12 Stefford Veltema,

                               13 Lynda Korsan, 

                               19 Tom Roberts,

                               19 Wayne Towson,

                               25 Bob Korsan.


Happy Anniversary:  1 Tom & Vicki Roberts,

                                     21 Dmitri & Marilyn DeDenko, 

                                     23 Jim & Joni Bombardier. 


RV Cleaners. 


Coach Cleaning: Works out of Vacaville. Don Stewart.     (707) 330-6831


Baker’s Detailing: (cleaning and tops): Corry Baker, (925) 435-4255


Mobile Detailing. 500-376-9699 


Camper repairs


Concord Coach, RV repair shop. Concord Coach is now owned by Cuzins and is open for business.  The new contact telephone number is the same as for Cuzins.  (925) 687-8054


Randy’s Mobile Mechanical Services: (Reviews on Randy’s is great, but Randy’s is expensive $$). Complete shop for auto, RV, and fleet services. It is located at 2750 Cloverdale Ave, Concord, CA. (925) 288-0766. 

Timmons Auto & Truck Repair: It is located at     2855 Contra Costa Blvd., Suite D, Pleasant Hill, (925)     938-9665.


Road Runner RV Repair: 415 Beatrice Ct. Brentwood, CA. 94513.  (925) 240-6773. Plus, the East county’s most complete parts store.


Just Joe’s Automotive: 1130 Detroit Ave.    Concord. 94520. 925-676-6700. Joe’s performs all types of Mechanic work on RVs and other vehicles. Bob Wright and Mike Casey have both had good experiences under the new ownership. Joe’s also does alignments on RVs.


Propane Gas Tank Fill-up.

Propane supplier: 76 station/convenience store/car wash located at the corner of Monument Blvd and Marcia Dr. very close to Hwy 680.

When driving from Walnut Creek on Hwy 680, take the Monument Blvd exit and turn right onto Monument Blvd, and the 76 station is located on the right-hand side, in 100 yards or less.


Suburban Propane. 1765 Arnold Industrial Way, Concord. 686-58-11.  Open M – F, 7am to 4 pm. Closed from 12 to 1 PM for lunch. 

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News Letter Archive

Vol. 12 # 2 April 2020


RRR 2025 CALENDAR (1/6/2025)

Notice of changes and additions will be emailed to members as they occur.

Rallies and rally information will be added to calendar as I receive it from the members.
Stan Scott, website manager;; (916) 716-6240


6 GENERAL MEETING: Monday 1/6, 7 to 8:30pm, Fairway A/B




MARCH 2025

3 Potluck: Monday 3/3, 5 to 10:30 pm, Fireside Room


APRIL 2025


MAY 2025
5 General meeting and social: Monday 5/5, 4 To 6pm, Dollar Picnic area #1


JUNE 2025
3 Patio Party: Tuesday 6/3, 4:40 To 8:30pm, Dollar Patio area


JULY 2025
General meeting and social: Monday 7/14, 4 To 6pm, Dollar Picnic area #1





2 General meeting and social: Tuesday 9/2, 4 To 6pm, Dollar Picnic area #1


20 BOCCE BALL / BBQ / Potluck: Saturday 9/20, 2 to 5pm (Bocce),

5 to 6:30pm (BBQ), Sportsman Park & Bocce courts


6 GENERAL MEETING: Monday 10/6, 7 to 8:30pm, Fairway A/B


3 Potluck: Monday 11/3, 5 to 10:30pm, Fireside Room


3 HOLIDAY PARTY: Wednesday 12/3, 5 to 10:30pm, Fireside Room

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