The newsletter is no longer published
Vol.12, NO. 5 October 2020 was the last issue
The editor, Carl Pischke resigned after producing many great and informative newsletters keeping the club well informed. We thank Carl for his exhausting service to all of us. Sometimes it is hard for many of us to adapt to the new and changing world of instant electronic messaging. We certainly will miss having everything in just one newsletter, as we move from one link to another page on the website. It's kinda like reading electronic books; sometimes it nice to just hold what you are reading by the cover. I do hope that from time to time you will click to the News letter Archive to reminisce about the fun times that are recorded there.
But, for now, please try to enjoy the photos that Mike has put in the Photo Gallery and the adventures described in the Club Rally Adventures and the RV Club Members Travels. Keep yourself up to date with the Calendar of Club Events and the pages the dates link to. Remember, it's your pictures and stories that we need to keep the website interesting.